Hillcrest United Football club will be holding its AGM on Thursday 1st March 2018. I encourage all of you who are interested in the future of our children’s football and the club to attend.
We are looking for committee members. Please feel free to respond to me or any other committee member if you wish to stand on the committee.
The location and time of the AGM is Tetra Pak Building 6-8, Melody Ln, Ruakura, Hamilton 3214, 7:00pm start.
We have had no nominations for elected position, so some of the existing committee will be standing for their current roles.
- Muster will be the first and second weekends of March (4th and 11th); details of times for various grades will follow.
- Teams will be announced before the end of March.
- Goal posts will go up on Jansen first week of April, and this should allow a couple of weeks of training before school holidays start mid April.
- The first game will be the first weekend of May.
Thanks and wishing you all a happy new year.
John Middleton
President – Hillcrest United Football Club