First Kicks

2024 Registration open – Register here. (For registration help, see below.)

Welcome to the First Kicks program for 5th and 6th grade players at Hillcrest United Football Club.

All our 4, 5 and 6 year olds, boys and girls (year of birth 2018-2019) are placed in a programme called First Kicks. First Kicks runs throughout Term 2 and half of Term 3. (See the 2024 Season Calendar.) Last year we had 5 teams, training on Tues or Wed, 3.30pm, for 30-45 mins., at Jansen Park, where they participated in fun skill sessions, and mini games.  The idea is to have more touches on the ball.

On Saturday mornings they participate in the WaiBOP run First Kicks programme, where they play against teams from other clubs. Most sessions are at Galloway Park, from 9-10am. Each team is put into a “pod” of four teams. The session starts off with a warm up and practice of the week’s skill activities. Then the team splits into two and they rotate around playing 8 minute 4-a-side games against the other teams in the pod.  Most Saturdays they will be at Galloway Park, but during the season there will be 2 or 3 festival days, where the teams might go to different parks and play against different teams. The philosophy behind the programme is to increase the number of touches a child has on the ball and to develop skills for later on.

The season begins the first weekend of Term 2, with registration open from the start of Term 1. (See the 2023 Season Calendar.)

To sign up you need to register your child in MyCOMET – Register here. For registration help, see below.
Fees are $50 per child, to be paid via internet banking to the club account: Hillcrest United, Westpac, Hillcrest – 03-1559-0044455-000. Please use your child’s full name, and “FK” as the payment reference.

We can accept all children who register during Term 1. Once the season has started, however, we can only take new enrolments if there is space in the teams.

Once you have registered, we will be in touch towards the middle or end of Term 1 to sort out teams and coaches.

If you are on Facebook, please join our club group: Hillcrest United Football Club. (Note there is also a Hillcrest United Football Club page which is not us – it  belongs to a club in South Africa!)

This is a parent run programme, and we need assistance from parents to run training sessions and game days.  Please let us know via the registration survey if you are able to help.

First Kicks players will need to provide their own:

  • Boots
  • Shinpads
  • Black socks
  • Black shorts

The club will provide the team shirt.

Some places to look for football gear for children are The Soccer Shop, Rebel Sports, Stirling Sports and Number One Shoes.

WaiBOP First Kicks Draw and Information Page

4th – 6th Grade Playing Rules 2023

First Kicks – Cluster Infomation Booklet 2022

2022 McDonalds Junior Football Game Cards

For more information, please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.

If you have any questions, please email

Registration Help

Registrations are managed by MyCOMET, which is run by NZ Football. You need to create a new account for each child in MyCOMET.

You can access directly the First Kicks item by using this link:

For registration help with screenshots, please see this MyCOMET registration with a direct link help guide.

For NZ football help with MyCOMET, please see these help pages. If you have any questions/issues with signing up, logging in, or registration, please create a new support ticket at, and NZ Football will help you out.


Logging in to MyCOMET

New Players

If your child is new to football this year, then you will need to sign them up to MyCOMET. A separate login is required for each child.

Visit the link First Kicks 5-6 (Year of birth 2018-2019). This will take you to a login form. Click the “New User? Register” link at the bottom. You will need to fill in some basic information about your child. Please make sure you sign up using your child’s name and date of birth, not your own. Use a parent’s email address as a contact, as this is what WAIBOP will use to send out information, and what you can use to reset your password. Don’t use, for example, a student email address that may expire when they leave school, as you may not be able to access it later. You need to choose a username and password – this is what you can use to login to MyCOMET once your account is created.

When the account is created, you will receive an email asking you to verify the email address. Once you have done this, then you can login.

When you login, you will be prompted to fill in missing details (guardian name, player ethnicity, address etc). NOTE, to type in these fields, you need to click the “edit” button – you may need to scroll down to find this. You need to fill in all listed fields. You will also need to add a mobile phone number – Click “Add” to add a new contact field. We also recommend adding email addresses and cell phone numbers for both parents/guardians, and anyone else that may want to get game info each week. Then don’t forget to click “Save” to save your changes.

Now your account is created, you can register for the season. See below.

Returning Players

You will already have a MyCOMET username and password.

If you can’t remember your username or password, click the “Forgot username/password’ link on the login form, and you can enter your email address to get your username and password mailed out to you.

If you still can’t find your username, or have trouble logging in, please create a new support ticket at, and NZ Football will help you out.

As for new users, once you have logged in you may be prompted to fill in missing contact details. To type in these fields, you need to click the “edit” button – you may need to scroll down to find this. You need to fill in all listed fields. Then don’t forget to click “Save”.

To add new contact details (cell phones, emails etc) click the “Add” button. We recommend adding email address and cell phone numbers for both parents/guardians, and anyone else that may want to get game info each week.

Now your account is created, you can register for the season. See the next section.

Registering for the season

Once you have logged in and filled in your details, you should be taken to the registration item you had selected. If not, you can click the link again from this page: First Kicks 5-6 (Year of birth 2018-2019)

Or you can, from your dashboard, click the “Cart” icon, or from the menu, select Register->Register Player->Football. These will take you to the “Browse and purchase COMET products” page. From here, select Hillcrest United FC in the drop down list (delete NZF if it is there), and see the registration items available for this year. To choose an item, click the cart icon (“Add to cart”) on the right hand side.

Once you are at the correct registration item, you will be prompted to fill in the fields for the item survey. Here you can indicate if you can help with coaching or managing, or put in team requests – eg who your child would like to be in a team with. You need to tick the button to accept the membership conditions (that box is compulsory; be sure to visit the conditions link and check them out!). Then you can click the “Add to cart” button. If you have chosen the wrong item, you can “Remove from cart”.

To complete registration, you need to click the cart icon (top right), and then proceed to checkout. You need to accept the NZ Football conditions, and click “Finish”. It should say “Completed”, and you should get an email confirming your ‘purchase’ of the registration item. Note, if you don’t receive the email, then you probably haven’t completed it properly.

The registration is purchased for free via MyCOMET. Once you have correctly registered your child for First Kicks, you should receive a confirmation email. This details how to pay. The cost is $50 for the season, to be paid via internet banking to the club account: Hillcrest United, Westpac, Hillcrest – 03-1559-0044455-000. Please use your child’s full name, and “FK” as the payment reference.